Another month has flown by and we now find ourselves in November. And I know the rest of the year is just going to zoom by us between the holidays and back to back birthdays. But I am super excited because we’ll get to celebrate “the big holidays” with Hannah for the first time over the next couple months. I’m already dreaming up a pretty pink Christmas for her, so stay tuned for that lol.
Attended Seedling’s launch of Parker the Bear. Photo by Howl & Rose
Noelle’s baby shower
Downtime with big brother
Spins in the yard with my buddy. Sweatpants c/o Tobi
Hannah’s first pumpkin patch
Visited the Museum of Ice Cream
Kicked off baking season with these brown butter and toffee chocolate chip cookies. Sweater c/o Tobi
A’s first soccer practice
Halloween festivities with my little unicorn
Maggie’s 30th Birthday Party
Our first Halloween with Hannah!
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