Biggest news this month: deciding to resign from work to stay at home with A. While the decision wasn’t easy, I ultimately decided that while I can place my career on hold, the same can’t be said for raising him. The time is already flying while I’m at home with him; I can’t imagine what it would feel like if I was also working full-time. Not going to lie, staying home with a baby is hard work, and I’ve had plenty of days where I thought about how much easier it would be to just be at work (enjoy my coffee in peace, have adult conversations, etc.), but I also don’t want to miss out on these precious days because they are few, and they are fleeting. So here’s to my next biggest chapter!
And with that, A just woke up from his nap and is crying for me to get him. Cheers!
Oh-so-good meatball sandwich at North Italia
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