Sweet Love,
It’s been one whole month since you arrived and stole my heart. The time has passed all too fast, and yet it also feels like you’ve always been here, like you’ve always belonged, and like my soul already knew yours. As deliberate as I try to be to soak in each moment, I still feel like time slips away from me and that it’s never enough. So here we are, at one month (what will I do at a year?!)
You’ve grown! You are now weighing in at 9 pounds, 4 ounces, and are 22.5 inches tall. You are extremely alert and love to make eye contact with mama while cooing and smiling. But you can also go from being a smiley baby to an angry, screaming, red-faced mess in a split second; you really know how to work yourself up.
You’ve started to lose your hair and are rocking a receding hairline. The hair underneath looks like it’s coming in light, nothing like big brother. Speaking of, Adam absolutely adores you. One of the first things he requests when he wakes up (along with his milk) is, “I wanna see Hannah.” He also likes to read to you and lay down next to you on the play mat showing you the different animals. He smothers you with kisses all day. His love for you is so sweet and tender. I was apprehensive about how he would adjust to having a new sibling, but it’s honestly been a seamless transition. Like I said, it’s like you’ve always been a part of our family.
You love, love, love to be held. Your favorite spot to sleep is against mama’s chest. As long as you’re in your position, all is right in the world. So I’ve learned to wear you around in the baby wrap, your heart right against mine, and I’m not mad at it. 🙂
Happy one-month birthday to my sweet, fresh-from-heaven, baby girl. God knew just what I needed when he entrusted me with you. You fill our family with an enormous amount of joy, and I’m so thankful to be your mama.

2 days new
Meeting big brother for the first time
First bath!
Going home from the hospital. Your outfit was WAY too big on you.
First Father’s Day (6/18, the day after we came home from the hospital)
First outing: to the park on Father’s Day
Matching headbands and florals with mama (the first of many mommy-and-me outfits lol)
First holiday: Fourth of July
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