To my little baby:
We were finally able to tell the world about you this week and everyone is so excited to meet you. At your last ultrasound, you finally looked like an actual baby with a profile, arms and legs! You were so active, moving around your little arms, and the sound of your heartbeat is one of the most beautiful sounds I’ve ever heard. The next day, we found out you’re a BOY! Lucky you, because you’re going to have so many boy cousins to play with!
As part of our big reveal photo, we bought you your first pair of shoes: black leather converse to match Daddy’s. I also bought you your first book, “Love You Forever”, and I can’t wait to read it to you.
This week, you’re the size of a peach. Your bones are forming in your arms and legs and your vocal cords are underway. We already love you, and can’t wait to meet you in 6 months!
By the way, if you’re wondering how I first told Daddy about you, watch this video:
How far along? 13 weeks! Finally out of the first trimester. 26 more weeks to go.
This is so exciting! Congrats again:) xo, Hayley
Thanks, lovey!!